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6 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi

Welcome to the Choco Party!

Dressed in a black leather dress, Lilith the Seer, or as known by her fans among the fleet ,"Static Revenger" was singing atop a golden pillar that is carved in the shape of a dolphin. The dolphin, also known among the crew as Eddie, was holding a bolt pistol in one of its fins, and its face was a mask of revenge.
  The entire crew was attending the party, as this rises the question that who is operating the moving ship at this moment, the crew did not seem to care. There were drinks and food and drugs being served everywhere by slaves dressed in nothing but shame. Somewhere in the corner, Dr. Mindbender was explaining the magnificence of the muscle structure of some creature they captured on the way, and the listeners were trying to hold what they ate so far. Sima Yi, and his brethren were sitting in a corner and silently sipping their drinks. Two members of the Wych Cult were trying to kill eachother with forks and broken glasses, and the Kabalites were watching with delight , while they shout at them, and waving their money. And the Scourges, the so-called Eyes of the Nihilator, were playing at security again, but nobody seemed to care.
 As they enjoy the festivities, everybody was actually waiting their host and master, Gargolmar the Nihilator. As her song coming to an end, Lilith, took the attention of the crowd.
 "Ladies and gentlemen!" "This sexual discrimination! Why the ladies first?!" "Shut the fuck up, Elbetthe, you scum-sucking asshole!" "Let the girl speak."..... " Thank you, Master Sima Yi. Again, Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you, The Dark One, Fatherless Warrior, Violator of Virgins, Cholocate Thunder, Gargolmar the Nihilator!"  As Gargolmar raised on top of a platform at the center of the hall, soaked in chocolate, dressed in a robe de chambre and nothing else, the crew was screaming cheers and warcries.
  "My fellow crew members, comrades, friends, MINIONS! Tonight we are gathered here for a celebration. A celebration of victory and bloodshed. As you are aware of, the monkeigh mariners tried to stop our scouting mission. "It was a pleasure tour , not a scouting mission." SILENCE MINION! Nonetheless they have intercepted it , but they did not calculated, that me, Gargolmar the Nihilator, will be with a scouting party , and their attack has turned into a massacre. In favor for us of course. I can tell with discretion, that some of their virgins has been violated, too. Anyway! ARE WE ENJOYING THE PARTY?!!"
 The crew was howling with pleasure , as it started to rain cholocate from the ceilings , and Lilith started to sing again. They were dancing, drinking, fighting and fornicating all at once, and Gargolmar, as he watched the scene, some of his scars started to fade, he was already started to seem younger.

28 Kasım 2010 Pazar

Qu'enephé will run red with blood!

"Divert all power to Sonar Awakening Device!"
 "Yes, Captain Gargolmar!"
 "Hey, do we have something like that on the ship? I have not detected any sonar technology and to awake what exactly?"
 "Ah my naive friend Elbetthe." said Dr. Mindbender with a smug smile on his cableridden face. "First thing you have to learn on this ship, is how to deal with our illustrious Lord. If he orders you to do something you do it without questioning. But for some reason you are not able to accomplish the order, for example that being an imaginary ship compartment, you improvise."
 "So , what should I do, now?"
 "Just open and close the lights in his command room. He will get bored soon enough , forget his previous order."

 "My lord , there seems to be problem with the lights. Should I check.."
 "No! No need. It must be the crew activating the Sonar Awakening Device. It will soon be over, Lilith. Now tell me of this, Qu'enephé. It sounds.... delicious."
 "I really dont have an expert view on the subject my Lord, but I can tell that this is ancient construction of our kin. Back in the early days of the Empire."
 "AH THE GLORIOUS AND MIGHTY ELDAR EMPIRE! Do you remember how we have ruled the stars as our own, child?! But what we have done with all that power we have?! What?!"
 "I had not the privilege to live in the days of the Empire, my Lord. What have you done with that your power?"
 "You should not ask suck kinky questions, girl. So enough of the sublime adventures of the Eldar nobility back in the day. What does this planet system means?"
 "I think it is a crude form of warp travel accelerator. Planets seems to be very similar and they are creating a turbulance."
 "Ok I will stick to my webway if I have to travel the galaxy. Now get out and write some more songs for me".
Right after Lilith's departure, Master Sima Yi entered the chamber.
 "I am here as an answer to your call, My Lord. What it is that you wish of me?"
 "I assume that you have already prepared a report for me about the enemies I may encounter on the surface? Am I right?"
 "Your insight precedes mine, as always. At first sight, we can classify our enemies in three different categories. First group is the Monkeigh Mmerri'Sou, as known in their own language as the Space Marines. They can be categorized further, by their allegiances also. A group calling themselves Dark Templars , serves the Terran Emperor. Another one with another weird name, the Dead Guard, serves the Enemy, so we should be vindictive specifically towards them. Third group which I admire the most, the so-called Angels of Salvation, does not seem to serve anyone , but their own ends.  Our second group is also a Monkeigh brood but these ones are weaker in physical structure but not necessarily in mind. They also , serve the Enemy. Also they are being led by a witch. The last but not least, is the most dangerous group. A tyranid splinter fleet without numbers. I advice that we should avoid them as possible.
 "HAH! Good speech my old chum. I have a here, the remnants of the Poisoned Fang Kabal, and they will be most eager to engage the foe for some sweet revenge. Also, if we can cull their numbers early, this planet will not be overwhelmed before I finish my business. We should strike fast in to their hearts and pluck it out. I dont want skirmishes. I want a frontal attack. We will kill what we need to kill , and be back here as soon as possible."
 " But my Lord, If you go that deep inside, are you sure can you pullout in time?"

19 Ekim 2010 Salı

Lilith the Seer

  Gargolmar was in his room, staring out of his dome to the void between the stars. He was murmuring a song to himself "....then you are pushed and shoved into every corner, then they lead you out to the final slaughter.." then he realised someone was behind him.
"Who is that stalks me in my own domain, this I wonder?"  he said without turning.
"Ohh, I..I'm terribly sorry. I didnt mean to stalk or anything, really." said a young female voice. From the stutter of her voice, it was obvious she was afraid.
"What do you want from me, girl ? I dont have time for your nonsense really."
"Ahh, Lord, Hauclir sent me here , for ahh, to report to you I believe."
"Oh you are that Seer brat then eh? I seet that they have collared you properly." he said still without turning.
"Well, yes they did. But no problem there really. I would hate myself If I do something to anger you really. But may I ask how did you saw my collar without looking at me? Are you also.."
"A WHAT? A Seer? An Oracle? Or a Mystic Pilgrim touched by the divine? No little girl. I saw your reflection on the glass.You Seers can see the future but not the tip of your nose. So tell me, what use you will have to me, hmm? With your connection to the warp severed, do you really have any use to me?" Now Gargolmar turned to face the girl, and her fear doubled to see the face of the scarred pirate and she started to shake visibly.
"I will be the connection between you and Hauclir, my lord!  With this talisman, you will be able to talk with him anytime you want! Please oh please dont hurt me!Please!"
"Damn girl. Calm down. Show me that talisman and how is that work."
"Of course, Lord. This here is a Mirror of Correspondence. It was made by my master Farseer Nereid, for easy connection between her , the Captain and the 2nd Captain. It can only be used by a Seer, and people attuned to it. Hauclir is attuned to it so he can use it, but for you to interact it, you will need e Seer and I will be that Seer, with your permission of course."
 "Ok then. That's a start for you. But gal, this isnt a Isha-damned Craftworld. We all carry our own weights here. Do you have any other useful skill other than your Seer tricks?"
"Well, I can....I...ahhh.."
"Spit it out, what?!"
"I can sing."
"Hahahaha. Really now? A singer eh? Ok, little one. You will be my singer from now on. I like to have some live music in here. I will call you if I want some singing going, you understand?"
Oh, ok. I will be at your service, My Lord."
 "Well, ok then. But tell me. That 2nd Captain you told me about . Will he be able to connect if he wishes. I dont want to meet a total stranger on my Mirror."
"My Lord, Hauclir is the 2nd Captain actually."
"What? Who is the damned Captain, then?!"
"Elder brother of my master Nereid. Kinleader Zaknafein."
"You will inform me immediatly, if he tries to connect, you understand me? If I see you talking with that guy in secret, life will be very hard for you here!"
"No,no, of course not, no! I will serve you loyally, I will ...I.." and she broke into crying hystericly.
"WHAT? Why are you crying now? Get up and tell me, worm!"
"I'm afraid that you are going to do me something horrible, please dont!"
"What something?!"
"You know, you are a pirate, and a man, and I'm a woman.."
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU CRAFTWORLDERS?! You are just a little girl you sick minded crazy fool! Get the fuck out of my room! Damn, I dont know what they do teach these kids in those decadent craftworlds.

15 Ekim 2010 Cuma

Xeber Cett Campaign için Background

Kabal of the Twin-Snakes of Doom, ismini liderleri olan Gargolmar the Nihilator’ın şahsi insigniasından , Gargolmar, Dracon olarak görev yaptığı sırada o zamanki kendi efendisi Archon Velendris’i öldürüp filosuna el koyduğunda almıştır. Aslında bir Trueborn olmayan Gargolmar’ın Archon mevkiine yükselmesine karşı olan sesleri bastırmak için, Gargolmar Velendris’in Commoragh üzerindeki bütün topraklarını Asdrubael Vect’e devretmiş, Vect de bu sesleri bastırmayı başarmıştır.
  Bu noktadan sonra elinde bir filo olan Gargolmar, Commoragh’a dönmeyecek, böylece hem orada kendisini bekleyen düşmanlarından uzak olacak, hem de ödemesi gereken bütün vergilerden kaçacaktır. Korsanlık konusundaki tecrübesi ve ikiz kardeşi Sadobael’in tavsiyeleriyle, kendi yağında kavrulmayı başaran bir filoya sahip olacaktır.
  Hayatını tamamiyle değiştiren olay, geceleri gördüğü ve anlam veremediği kabuslarla başladı.Rüyalarının uyku dışına taşmaya başladığı anlarda, kaderi onu bir yıldızharitası aracılığıyla çağırdı.Daha önce gitmemesine rağmen yerini ve hazinelerini bildiği ölü bir yıldıza filosunu sürdü. Bu lanetli taş parçasının üzerinde tayfası ile birlikte aklını yitirmek üzereyken, aradığı yeri buldu. Bu harabeler, Eldar İmparatorluğu’nun son zamanlarının ünlü Autarch’ı Hammanas Archedoleth’in ruh taşını saklıyordu. En son gemisiyle Commoragh’a gittiği bilinen Hammanas’ın bir ruh taşına nasıl girdiği ise bir muammaydı. Bu taşın sakladığı ruhu yemeye karar veren Gargolmar, rüyalarında gördüğü sahneyi gerçekleştirdi ve kızıl bir sisi yuttu. Taşın ev sahibinin isteğini tam olarak yerine getiren Gargolmar, deliliğe giden yolda adımlarını çok hızlı atmaya başladı.
  Yeni hali Gargolmar’ı ne kadar kontrolsüz bir manyağa çevirmiş olsa da, bu efektifliğini azaltmadı. Taştan aldığı güç ona yol gösteren bir öğe haline geldiğinden, savaş alanında kendisini kaybetse de, savaş öncesi planları genellikle başarılı çalışmaktaydı.
  Ve bir noktada, Gargolmar’ın aklına mal olan planın taşları yerine oturmaya başladı. Dinlendiği odasına bir çeşit Warp yolu ile gelen iki kişiden biri olan bir Astartes’i , diğer kişinin yardımıyla öldürdü. Bu diğer yabancı ise, sadece Gargolmar için yabancıydı. Zira artık zihninde yer etmiş olan Hammanas, karşısında duran Eldar’ı olmasa da, onu aynı kendisinin yaptığı gibi ele geçirmiş olan üç eski dostunu tanımıştı. Bu mavi zırhlı Eldar ise kendisini Hauclir olarak tanıtmıştı. Hauclir the Kinslayer.
  Gargolmar ve Hauclir, zihinlerine çöreklenmiş olan bu Eldar’ların planlarını anlamışlardı. Talisman of Vaul’lardan bir tanesinin yerini biliyorlardı ve onu çalıştırıcak olan anahtarların yerlerini de. Gargolmar ve Hauclir’e ise, anahtarları toplamak düşüyordu. Gargolmar’ın filosu anahtarların üçüne de uzaktaydı. Bu sebepten yolculuk biraz uzun sürse de, kaybettikleri zamanı telafi eden olaylar olacaktı. Yolculuk sırasında Hauclir, kendi korsanlarına ulaşmayı başardı. Son savaşlarından geriye kalmış olan grup, Hauclir’in müttefiklerinden rahatsız değildi. Bu yüzden buluştuklarında, korsanlığı kendilerine meslek edinmiş bu tayfa ile kaynaşmaları uzun sürmedi. Gargolmar ayrıca, Kabal of the Poisoned Fang’den geriye kalan bir kısım gemiyle karşılaşmış ve onları da ,isteyerek veya istemeyerek filosuna katılmaya ikna etmeyi başarmıştı. Birinci anahtarın olduğu gezegene yakınlaşmak üzereyken, Hauclir eski tayfasını, Poison Fang’den alınan filoya yükleyip, ikinci anahtarı bulmaya gittiğini açıkladı. Elinde ise bir cihaz vardı. Görünürde gösterişli bir ayna olan cihaz, Hauclir’e, Seer yoluna yeni başlamış olan Lilith tarafından getirilmişti. Daha önce de efendisi Farseer Nereid’e ait olduğunu söyleyen kız, Hauclir’den okkalı bir tokadı da yemeyi ihmal etmedi. Hauclir, aynayı ve Lilith’i , Gargolmar’ın yanında bırakacaktı. Bu şekilde Seer kız Hauclir ile Gargolmar arasında bağlantı kuracak ve böylece zihinlerindeki Eldar’larda planlarına birlikte devam edebileceklerdi. 

11 Ekim 2010 Pazartesi

Master Sima Yi, Incubi Master

"It seems my Lord Gargolmar wishes to see his most loyal servant. How may I help my Lord to achieve his goals today?" Gargolmar was standing in his quarters with Sima Yi, leader of the Incubi Cult under his command, and also his Chief Advisor. Gargolmar was wearing a black robe of the finest silk, and Sima Yi, a battered and old yellow robe.
  "Well, Sima Yi, I am planning to attack this monkeigh city called Ephrebe, and I would like to take your council on the situation first."
"If my Lord wishes to strengthen the defences of this Ephrebe, and enhance the moral of his people, he should attack immediately. But if he wishes to capture its riches, and enslave its population, he should not attack at all."
  "What? Explain your logic!"
  "As you wish. The people of Ephrebe, is divided. They are in a conflict that tears them apart. I believe it is about their religious beliefs. If you attack now, they will find a common enemy in you, and will stand together and thus they will be strengthened."
  "So what? Do I have to wait until they rip each other's throats out?"
  "Of course not. We should attack the city of Al-Khalum."
  "That city is a Isha-damned fortress! Do you have any suggestions on that?!"
  "If my Lord lets me explain further. The city of Al-Khalum is both a friend and an enemy to the city of Ephrebe. They support a side on their religious division. And they accuse the other side with consorting Xenos as they call it. We should use their suspicions as our weapon against them before our dark lances. If we plant one of our Raider transport secretly to a location near the eastern side of the city, and make it leave there in an exact moment, our victory can not be denied."
  "And that exact moment is?"
  "The arrival of Al-Khalumian ambassador.When they see our spacecraft leaving the city in a hurry, they will think they catched their opponent with their crime. But as we do not wish to wait for them to act, we will raid a supply outpost of Al-Khalumian origin. They think the position of this particular outpost is only known by them, and their ally city of Ephrebe. So when we attack, they will think the Ephrebians sold them out for a Xeno alliance. And thus we will see the flames of war burning very soon."
  "Ok I like the way this plan goes. But, the siege can take months. And we have to act fast."
  "We will act fast. When the monkeigh are fighting eachother on the walls of Ephrebe, we will raid Al-Khalum, and thus will gain a plunder greater than Ephrebe can provide, and also cutting the supply for the sieging army. And we will make that known to Ephrebians. So when the sieging army starts to retreat, they will follow with vengeance in their eyes, and then we will raid the city of Ephrebe."
  "Damn. Dont you think sometimes it is easier to just act fast and attack, instead of doing some crafty plans and waiting for this and that?"

6 Ekim 2010 Çarşamba

Talos, the Custodian

Gargolmar was marching up and down in his room with his full wargear on. "Where is that damn Farprofessor when you need him?! WHERE?!  My excellent plan can not wait any longer!" Just when Gargolmar was screaming his frustration, the door to his star domed room opened. "My Lord! Sorry for the inconvenience. Your guards disrupted me in the middle of a very important research of a lubricant for bodily desires."  "SILENCE MINION! We have delicate matters to attend to. Guards! Leave us!"
     When the two warriors left the room, Gargolmar took another look to the man kneeling before him. "Well, well,well. What was that you called yourself again? Ah! Farprofessor Mindbender wasnt it? Well, I have a job for you, Mindbender."
    "My Lord, of course. Anything I can do to further your goals , I will do it! FOR SCIENCE! "
    "Yes, I see. Now listen to me carefully. I have learned from trusted contacts how to reach to the throne room of the human emperor. It is very risky, but the gain will be legendary. We will use the webway to directly assault the throne room, steal the throne and kidnap the emperor himself. "
    "And you need me for?"
    "When we return, I will give the emperor to you to attach him to a Talos engine. As we all know, he is a very powerful psyker, and on a Talos, his psychic backlashes can give us quiet the victories. I want you to prepare a Talos, exactly for his oh so royal ass ok? I will sell the rest of him for glory, fame and more importantly wealth."
    "HAHAHAHHA! This just the job for... SCIENCE!" as the Dr. Mindbender left the room running , Gargolmar took his weapons and left as well .
    The portal started to shimmer before the warriors stood before it with readied weapons. Gargolmar and Hauclir stood together at the head of the warriors. "Well , Hauclir, lets see what you can do in a real raid eh?" Saim-Hann warrior was not sure what was going on around himself. "What, where the hell are we going?Just who the hell are you?!" " Oh I see you did not take your pills again, my friend. No worries, lets go."
   One by one Eldar warriors leapt in to the webway, to a mysterious mission , their captain did not informed them so. On the other side, they were in a massive building, with cables and holy icons of the imperium everywhere. But before they can appreciate the details, warriors clad in golden armor , turned to them with massive polearms in their hands.  
  "What is happening here?! How did I came here?! Arrrghhh! My head!" just as Hauclir was trying to hold on to reality, a golden warrior swung his polearm to his head with deadly speed. But he was not fast enough. With a crack from his whip, Gargolmar, disarmed the warrior, and leaped to him. When the warrior tried to grab him, he moved before him, grabbed his chest, put his foot to his belly, and with a backward cartwheel, took himself and the warrior into the shimmering Webway portal. Other warriors were butchered by the Custodians, but Hauclir managed to flee to the portal before he got eviscerated.
  "Well , Dr. Mindbender, I have a candidate for you, to sit on your Talos."
  "This is the Emperor? He does not look like much. And he seems terribly beaten. Why would anyone beats his liege like this I wonder."
   "No this is not the emperor. He is one of his personal guardsman I guess. He seems like a tough guy though. Perfect for a Talos. It took our hours to beat him into this shape.So! Do what you do. I want my Talos ready soon."

Here we go!

At the center of the stardomed room, inside his golden chocobath throne, Gargolmar was happily talking to himself.  " Yeesss... I feel like a good bit of entertaintment, time to destroy a planet. Which one shall it be?! This one? Hmm, too feeble.This one....yes,perhaps. Oohh, yes this one will do nicely." He was looking outside the dome, and trying to pick and crush some stars with his fingers by the power of his perspective.
    All of a sudden, the starfilled vision of his has darkened. He straightened up with frustrution , but it turned to surprise very quickly. There was some sort of warpgate opening on the roof his room. Not knowing what to expect to come out, he hid himself  inside the liquid contained by his golden throne.
    That liquid was especially a curious case for the crew. It looked like chocolate, but the more suspicious members of the crew wanted to be sure. When the unfortunately curious corsair put his finger inside it to taste some of it, his finger didnt come out. His finger has been turned to nothing within seconds. After he fled screaming to his quarters, he started to see visions that can turn a lesser man to a drooling fool. As the corsair was a lesser man , he has become a zombielike idiot who does nothing but stare at walls.
    Like a master of stealth , Gargolmar put his head outside of the chocolatelike substance  to see what will come out of the portal. Without warning , a figure clad in crimson armor dropped to ground with a heavy thump. From his looks he looked like one of those turned-bad astartes guys. Icons of chaos gods and unholy texts decorated his armor. After a splitsecond another figure dropped from the portal. He was an Eldar, was dressed in a rugged armor blue. He has a talisman of Cosmic Serpent on his neck . Two figures seemed disoriented for a second and Gargolmar used this moment. "Hey you two assholes. Religious freaks and Craftworlder scumbags are not allowed in my Lovenasium! I dont know what the fuck do you want to do eachother, but find another room for your sick fantasies!"
    Two warriors ignored the comments and weapons clashed once more. Astartes warrior put his inhuman fist to the face of the Eldar warrior and found an opening to strike. Just when he was about the deliver the blow, he lost his footing unexpectedly and found himself on the floor. When two were fighting eachother, Gargolmar pulled himself out of the bathtube and made a scissorlike move to the Astartes' legs, that would be considered objectionable in so many sports of ancient Terra. Eldar warrior used this advantage to leap on his opponent , just right when he was about the deliver the death blow, a fist came to the side of his jaw, that filled his mouth with two teeth, a mouthful of blood and some chocolate.
   Now they were both on the ground, they looked up to their attacker. An Eldar figure stood before them with all his naked might. There were chocolate coloured stains all over him but it was not enough to cover everything. His face was crisscrossed with scars and full of rage. His raven black long hair was also dirty with stains, and a large circle golden earring was gleaming from his ear, and  curiously was not stained even a little. When the warriors stood to a halt, he rip apart one of the long tubes from his golden device, and started to wave it in his hand. " YOU FUCK ON ME?! HA! YOU LITTLE BITCHES! "
  "I will tear your heart out, you demented Xeno filth!" Marchosias got up and swung his demonpowered sword to the naked Eldar in front of him. The chocolate covered Eldar moved faster than he anticipated, moved to his side and snatched his bolt pistol from his side. Firing the pistol wildly to the chaos marine he damaged his head and face. The giant warrior shouted in agony and fell on his knees in pain. "Dude, what the fuck are you waiting for, cut his head off already."
  "Hauclir not wasting a moment, put both his swords to the neck of the astartes warrior ,and removed his head from his body. "DECAPITATIOOOON!!" Gargolmar screamed a cry of victory and leaned to a wall , looking to Hauclir. "So Saim-Hann asshole, tell me a good reason for me not to kill you and give your corpse to the crew for entartaintment?"
"Because, kindred, I know the location of the first key."

Gargolmar the Nihilator

"Gargolmar, are you sure there is anything of value on this forsaken rock? We have been searching for hours and the crew started to grumble. I think the ice started to numb their senses."
  "Oh I'm sure their senses has frozen or  they wouldnt question my decisions , dont they? Look, Sadobael, I may give you leave to talk to me freely because that you are my brother, but that sniveling worms of a crew dont get that kind of treat from me, understand? Now, get the raiders ready. I think I've found what I've been searching for." As he watched his brother go, Gargolmar found himself fighting his own suspicions. He couldnt get his mind clear for some time. He wasnt exactly sure how he just know the location of this piece of rock and the valuables contents that it hides. Some months ago, he was looking at his star charts for an opening to attack some nonsense monkeigh colony, a little shiny point in the middle of a desolate void has catched his eye. He was sure now that it was just not his eye that has been caught. The cold air of the dead star helped him to come to his senses. The Raiders were ready and waiting for him.  He hopped on his jetbike, raised his sword towards his crew and shouted  "Plunder awaits, maggots! Follow me!"
 The wind was talking to them. It was nonsense. He thought his crew to be more reliable. They were acting like a bunch of superstitious Exodite fools. And that was just the start. After some days, they started to act like madmen. One of the sybarites demanded that he should get some biscuits. with cream. I doubt that wind can do that to a person. At least Sadobael keeps his calm demeanor. I will not be denied my prize. Prize?
 The building complex seemed absolutely out of place in the middle of this frozen wasteland. It seems it has been carved out of the rock and ice at the same time. The gate has been carved in the image of the Phoenix Gate of Asuryan, but the imagery was incomplete because it was missing the Eternal Fire part.  " Sadobael, accompany me inside. The crew is useless to me now. " The crew has become a bunch of lunatics by now. They were raving, screaming and running around like the Enemy drained their minds instead of their souls.
 The air inside the building was somehow colder than outside. It was utterly dark , but that didnt bother the two Eldar much. Sadobael was moving warily, checking for enemies and always on his guard. Gargolmar on the other hand, moving as he has been here so many times before, always taking the right turns and driven to a certain location.After an hour , Gargolmar simply stopped and said "Here we are."  Sadobael took a better look around, and acknowledged that they were in a tomb. A tomb may refer to darker things to  more imaginative and less opportunist people, but to this corsairs, it meant treasure.
 "So brother, you were talking the truth after all. There is treasure in this Asuryan-forsaken hellhole." Gargolmar was not listening to him. He has set his eyes upon a certain crystal amonst the golds and jewelry and took it with a gleam in his eye, that his brother has never seen before.
 "Well, well. Isnt that a Soulstone , my brother. It seems you have a certain keen eye for treasure. What are you going to.."
 "I will devour it of course! What else? This will prolong my life for some time, I suppose."
 "You can get very rich with that, Gargolmar. Lets take it back to Commoragh. Riches and favour of our Lord can be yours. And since when you started to devour the souls of our kin? Did that Mandrake scum put the tought in your head?"
 "No...not the Mandrake. " Gargolmar's sound turned to a whisper as he pull out his knife, and cut the palm of his hand. He put the bloodied hand upon the amber coloured Soulstone, and forced his will upon it. The lifeforce inside, now turned into a red mist, showed him no resistance, and sucked into the mouth and nostrils of Gargolmar.  He put the shattered Soulstone away and started to laugh. Sadobael took a step back, as he see his twin brother laugh with a voice not his own.
"Gargolmar, are you allright?"
"Well! Hahah! Well,well,well. Hello there. You must be my ... brother. The resemblance is hard to miss.I am allright of course. Why I wouldnt be?"
 "Who the hell are you, fiend? What have you done to my brother? Talk or I will slice you up!"
 "It is really sad to see our kin so fallen, dont you think? Exodites, Craftworlds and such nonsense.Well in Commoragh, at least we have style.I think the lack of Seers helps a lot. What? Why are you looking to me like that? Look, brother, we have let the inferior filth rule the galaxy for long enough. Dont you think also it is time for this nonsense to stop? Think about it for a second. OUR FOOLISH ENEMIES WILL NOT SEE WHAT HIT THEM! INFERIOR PATHETIC FILTH! They think their so-called Earth is unconquerable?!! HAHAHA! I JUST LAUGH AT THIS IDEA!"
"You are possessed. Rot in hell Gargolmar. I'm out of here."
"I dont think so, my brother. You forget why I am the master here, and you are just a filthy servant. But I will help you remember."  Before Sadobael could react , Gargolmar pulled out a dagger and threw it to him, he parried it with his blade, but he just couldnt parry  splinters. Gargolmar emptied all the splinters in his pistol into his brothers face, watched his life drained away.
"THAT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH GARGOLMAR THE NIHILATOR! YOU MESS WITH THE BEST, YOU DIE LIKE THE REST! And now, for more important matters. I need to get me some chocolate.


   The light in the room was the color of octagon, because of the projectors that has been set in various places. Each projector was a color of the rainbow, and moving in indescernable patterns. Starlight entering from the glass dome at the top of the room was making it all the more shiny and discomfortable to the eye. At the center of the room, was a bizarre engine, standing atop a platform half a metre high, with pipes and fauces coming out of the main tub. It was a golden structure, bu it was hard to see the gold under all that layer of chocolate.
   Two shadows made lights flicker in the room , and a disturbed grunt came from the golden engine. Grimes was worried because he has been here before and it was never a pleasing experience. The other eldar warrior was oblivious to the danger laying in the center of the room and was fascinated by the dancing lights.
 "Wooow, man. This place is awesome. Look at all the lights. Damn , my eyes hurts but its like, like a double rainbow. Dude, come on. Dont stare me like that. Look at that. Its so intense. I mean, what does it mean huh? Double rainbow. Its too much. I think... I'm gonna,,, cry. " The warrior who called himself Rainbow Warrior was always fascinated if he sees two different colours together, and Grimes hated that he was the only one who could stand on his feet after the raid. "Look, shut the hell up and lets get this over with quick ok! I dont want to stay with him when he is resting."
"My Lord , its me Grimes, and Rainbow, we are here to repo."
"My Lord , we have raided the Imperial Outpost as you commanded and we are.."
"What Imperial Outpost?"
"The one we are standing above with our ship?"
"You have gone and raided it have you now my mateys?"
"Oh no, Rainbow, move to the door,  I think he will come out. Yes my Lord and we are victorious. "
"MWHAHAHAHA! PATHETIC FILTHY HUMAN FILTH! THEY STOOD NO CHANCE AGAINST MY SUPERIOR MINIONS! TODAY IT IS AN IMPERIAL OUTPOST! TOMORROW IT IS AN ENTIRE CITY! AND SOON , SOON BUT MARK MY WORDS GRIMES SOOON!! IT WILL BE THE ENTIRE WORLD!" Shouting to the stars above the room, Gargolmar the Nihilator, aka Chocolate Thunder as he is known among his sybarites, jumped out of his golden chocothrone. The figure standing before the two aghast sybarites, was a sight to be not seen. His entire body was covered in brown chocolate, especially in places where its most needed. Apart from that , he was wearing no clothes whatsoever. As he is standing on a platform half a metre high, Grimes' face was in a position, looking to a body part, he would not like to remember when he was eating.
"Ahhh , I think we should go. I have to make some coffee by the way. Rainbow, lets go."
"Fare thee well, my brave warriors! May victory be your companion in the future. NOW FUCK OFF! I'M TRYING TO HAVE A BATH HERE!"